About Us

A chivalrous initiative by the widely acknowledged humanitarian and social worker Ms Ritu Jaiswal. We realized that “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” Ap Deepo Bhava Foundation has been reaching out to thousands since 2015. Working continually towards women and child empowerment, Human Health and Sanitation, Education and equal opportunities as well as spreading general awareness among the less privileged sections of the society.

When Lord Buddha was undergoing “Mahaparinirvana” in the shadow of a Saal tree at Kusinagar on a full moon day, his disciple Anand was weeping over Buddha’s departure and told him thus,

“Dear Lord! You are leaving me in the midst, and I haven’t become enlightened (Arihant) yet. What will happen to me? The world will be absolutely dark for me. You were the light! Have compassion on us”

Buddha opened his eyes and gave the last dictum, “Ap Deepo Bhava”, meaning, “Be your own guiding light, Anand! Nobody can be the light for you”.

The capacity to awaken lies within each of us in each moment, regardless of the presence of fortunate circumstances- such as an experienced fellow practitioner who can teach us. A mentor plays a crucial role in one’s life, but we do not need them. Buddha was reminding Ananda and the other members of the Sangha of the primal Buddha nature.

Be a light onto yourself if we envision for a society free of poverty, illiteracy, castism and prejudice then we have to put deep inside every Person- a well-grounded ray of hope. The light of education and skill.